Residents fill Fireside Room to find out about shopping center upgrades

For Rossmoor residents who have used the Rossmoor Shopping Center only to conduct business or pick up groceries over the years, change is in the wind. The future shows promise for a welcoming center that will entice people to stick around rather than to simply pop in...

West Marine Opens in Marin City

Owners of Gateway plan major renovations By Soren Hemmila | Aug 11, 2014 Where expectant moms and dads once shopped for Baby Bjorn baby carriers and Diaper Genies, new customers of West Marine’s flagship store in Marin City can now browse marine gadgets, nautical...

West Marine Flagship Location, Marin City

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: WATSONVILLE, CA (June 26, 2014) West Marine, the world’s largest waterlife retailer, announced the grand opening of its new flagship store in Sausalito, CA. Grand opening festivities kick off on Thursday, July 31 at 8 a.m. and go through...

Hobby Lobby to Anchor the Hemet Valley Mall

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: City of Hemet Announces HOBBY LOBBY to Locate Newest Store in Hemet Valley Mall HEMET, CA. – Hobby Lobby of Oklahoma, Hemet Valley Mall ownership and the City of Hemet announced today that Hobby Lobby has signed a ten year lease for 50,000...